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Dave Chami | Instant gratification

Hands-on for his issue#39 Perth article....

    Written by
  • Sean Holland
    Videography by
  • Leigh Bolton

As one of the OG contributors to the magazine there are two things that float my proverbial boat when I get a call from Dave Chami.  Firstly there is no international code on the phone number – meaning he actually lives back here in Australia. Having such a gun back on home turf just gives everyone involved a bit of a ‘getting the band back together’ vibe. The other boat-floater is when the call involves him asking my thoughts on him doing something a little different for a trip/article that he’s about to embark on. Anyone familiar with Dave’s history and passion of getting next level with his photography (to name but a few: The Transworld Skate and Create articles and that cover of Walker Ryan where he’s used a water housing to semi submerge the camera in a fountain) would understand why a big ‘YES! do it!!!’ is a no-brainer for an answer. This was exactly the case when he travelled to Perth late last year with the Adidas team and got well and truly funky behind the scenes.