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Help the Portside lads keep one of Australia's greatest DIY spots alive...

We are looking to try and raise money to help in the construction and maintenance of PORTSIDE.

Currently standing at over $5000 in funds from our own pockets. This has been fantastic getting the foundations over the line, but in the long run personal funds are not sustainable. This project means so much to all of us because we are creating a place where everybody can skate, hang out with friends and learn a lot along the way!

Over this next year there are many plans to add Ramps, Gardens, Features, A barbecue and creating a community friendly area.
There are many people who have already donated towards PORTSIDE and many more whom need a channel to help contribute.

If you have a spare $20 or want to help, it will go a very long way.
The next pour will cost around $600 for 100 bags of concrete.

I will continue to upload photos of progress and hopefully you can all come up and Skate or hang out with us all

Thank you for all of your help and contributions so far – This is really making PORTSIDE DIY one of the most awesome DIY skateparks in Sydney.