Back to News & Features Jake Darwen Photography Showcase Juddy Roller Studio - Melbourne Dec 4 Share Share Following on from the success of his first exhibition in Auckland, Jake Darwen and Element finally brought the goodness to Melbourne. Dennis Durrant, Julian Davidson, Holly, Beacho, Nate Mate, Darwen and Kayle Lawson... Squad!! Scotty Clarke and Ben Harriss Hannah, Tommy, Hayley and Holly... Try saying that fast Element brand manager Brieane Keay and the Rigby bros; Jarrod and Luke Kurt Winter and Caeylen Norris Kirby & Tobi DorkSquad CEO Adam Davies and book keeper of the night, Kayle Lawson Lucia Bertaccini of Italy & Kristjan Rowell of Tasmania Beci, Keegan and Maddi Brieane, Leigh Bolton and composition master/striped polo connoisseur Jake Darwen Ultimate vibes!!