Back to News & Features LAW OF THE SEAS – BEHIND THE SCENES The action behind the action of Adidas Japan/Australia's Sydney adventures... Sep 27 Photography by Riely Walker Dave Chami Sam Coady Share Share The action behind the action… Leigh Bolton - rental car ruthlessness Tom Snape - Switch back tail Snape - spot check "All clear!" Shin Sanbongi - Back tail The gentleman that is Kumatani Yosiaka Toeda... ...unless youre a ledge on the receiving end of a switch crooks Justice Reid - clip ending switch backside flip What up Juzzy?! Vanessa Miles - slappy 50-50 Bronte BBQ boiz Silas x Sydney Harbour Silas x Backside 180 fakie 5-0 Laurence Keefe congratulates Shin on another flawless victory Laurence frontside pivot to fakie Levi Jarvis' body hates him... Levi - Kilty McBagpipe Billy Lukins - heelflip varial Street dice for the win Issey Kumatani - frontside 5-0 Kento - switch boardslide Cooked Gazza Gary Almeida - Frontside Nosegrind Brad Saunders - family jewels intact (for now) Brad Saunders Frontside feeble Hype crew Hiroki takes a kickflip to new heights and farewells the harbour city with love X