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The Smoke Beer squad in, you guessed it! Tasmania...

    Photography by
  • Cameron Markin
  • Marcello Guardigli

When a skate trip starts with a rough 10 hour boat cruise across Bass Strait, you know it can only get better from there. And after driving from Devonport to Hobart and meeting ‘Clintos’ the legend groundskeeper who hooked us up with enough firewood to cook up more possums than Jimmy and Nello could ever dream of catching, it didn’t take long for us to feel at home in our new environment. Our days in Tasmania were filled with sun, cold ones in the esky, rusted U-pipes, 40yr old snake runs, shotguns, hill bombs and campfire cuisine.  All the ingredients a van full of skaters needs to have an unforgettable 10 day trip in ‘Tazzy!’

Josh Kotlega